St Teresa of the Child Jesus
Catholic Church
Princes Risborough
Christmas Mass Times
Please book your Christmas Mass immediately
as places are going fast
Christmas Eve
4.30pm (almost full)
8.00pm (almost full)
Christmas Day
Booking Opens: 9am Monday 7th December
Booking Closes: 6pm Sunday 20th December
Confirmation: As soon as possible after booking
Text: 07761 125747 (or answerphone)
Dates for your diary
Information about these dates are
below or in the newsletter
Tuesday 15th December 10.30am
Coffee & Company
Wednesday 16th December 7.30pm
Waiting in Joyful Hope
St Teresa's Travelling Crib
Monday 21st December 7.00pm
Christmas Carol Singalong
Thursday 24th December 1.00pm
St Teresa's Travelling Crib
Wednesday 30th December
Parish walk- details to follow
To access live streaming of Mass from Northampton Cathedral
Change of Sunday Mass Time:
Some of you may already know that Fr John Fleming from the Guardian Angels Parish is retiring very soon. As there is a real shortage of priests in the diocese, there is no one to replace him. Bishop David asked me if I would accept to look after this small community and say mass for them every Sunday at 11. 00am. In order to allow me enough time to arrive there and prepare for the mass, it means moving our 10.00am mass to 9.30am.
I am very sorry about this and I do know that it will mean a big change for many of you. I am sure you can understand how important it is for the little community of the Guardian Angels to keep at least one of their Sunday masses and to be able to continue as a parish community for as long as possible.
So from Sunday 6th December onwards, our Sunday masses will be at 8.00am and 9.30 am.
Christmas Masses:
There will be five Christmas masses this year. Deacon Sean and I would be really grateful if you could already book your place for the one you would like to attend. As I am sure you will understand, it will take quite a bit of time and hard work to ensure that it all runs as smoothly as possible. I am really grateful to Deacon Sean for organising all of this. You will find the times and the booking below.
Christmas Carol Sing-along Monday, 21st December at 7pm
- Zoom along and join in a Parish singsong of all the old favourites - bring your own mince pies and whatever it takes to wet your whistle - shepherd and angel-dress optional. Drop Dcn Seán an email for the Zoom link, to: If you can play an instrument that we can sing-along to, all the merrier - just let Dcn Seán know.
Saunderton Lodge Christmas Appeal:
We are unable to have our usual Christmas Tree with labels for gifts for families staying at Saunderton Lodge this year. The staff are in need of Tesco vouchers to give to their residents so that they are able to buy food, school uniform etc. If you could purchase and pass on any vouchers they would be very grateful indeed. They also asked for men’s toiletries to be used towards Christmas presents. As it is difficult to have a collecting point at St. Teresa’s perhaps you could put your gifts in the trolley at Tesco’s store to be taken to the Lodge.
Michael Lane RIP
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Michael Lane who died on 7th December in Stoke Mandeville Hospital. Many of you will know him as he was a faithful and long -standing parishioner for many years and a regular attender at mass. His requiem mass will take place on Tuesday 22nd December at 1.00pm here in St Teresa’s. Unfortunately, the number of people who can attend this funeral is severely restricted due to the Covid 19 pandemic. May he rest now in eternal joy and peace and may the Lord comfort his family and friends at this difficult time.
Christmas Witness:
This year a crib will be set up for the whole of Princes Risborough to see. We would like this small gesture to reflect the wonderful sense of community that has always characterised St Teresa’s, so your contribution is key. Can you lend or donate some of the following? Hay, Greenery of any sort, Logs, Boulders/ small rocks, Animals or other Nativity figures, A Star, fairy lights, A Christmas tree, Tinsel, baubles, and anything else that can help recreate a Nativity scene. The crib will be set up during the weekend of the 19th-20th December. If you can help in any way, either by giving us ideas, providing suitable items or helping on the day, please contact Paul and Maru O’Neill by email ( or by phone (01844 291321) by no later than Wednesday 16th December.
St Teresa’s Travelling Crib
An Online Journey, Christmas 2020:
This year the travelling Crib we move from house to house via the internet. We have weekly dial in sessions on Zoom where the crib can be ‘brought’ to you and others. These will be held on the following days:
Wednesday 16 December at 7.30pm, Thursday 24 December at 1pm
Each session offers a chance to reflect on the Holy Family’s journey and chat and will last 30 minutes.
If you would like to be part of the journey, host a session or just get more information, please contact Paul and Maru O’Neill on or telephone 01844 291321. You don’t need to have Zoom on your computer to take part, but will need a computer and internet connection.
Coffee and Company:
If you would enjoy a coffee whilst chatting to other parishioners just follow the link below on Tuesday December 15th at 10.30am.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 792 6343 7062 Passcode: pQNZ7D
A date for your diary:
There will be a parish walk on Wednesday December 30th. Further information to follow.
Christmas Carol Sing-along
Monday, 21st December at 7pm
- Zoom along and join in a Parish singsong of all the old favourites - bring your own mince pies and whatever it takes to wet your whistle - shepherd and angel-dress optional. Drop Dcn Seán an email for the Zoom link, to: Why not tell you friends?
Waiting in Joyful Hope:
Would you appreciate the opportunity to prepare to celebrate Christmas through shared reflection on the readings for each Sunday in Advent? There will be a parish Zoom group meeting for a maximum of an hour from 7.30pm on Wednesday16 December.
Email Liz Clark on to join the group
Princes Risborough Food Cupboard:
Thank you all so much for your generous donations. Donations may be made to St Mary’s Church Bell Tower, 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays, or in the trolley at the entrance to Tesco’s at any time they’re open.
Things we could do with more of: Tins of peas (garden, not mushy or marrowfat), Tins of sweetcorn, Tins of other vegetables, Tins or jars of pasta sauce, Tins or jars of curry sauce, Tins of fruit, Tins of rice pudding, Tins or cartons of custard, Long-life dairy milk (UHT), Jars or packets of coffee, Packets of biscuits, Fruit squash
Things we have plenty of, so don’t need any more at the moment: Tins of potatoes, Tins of mushy and marrowfat peas, Tins of kidney beans etc. (or similar pulses), Tins of lentils (or similar pulses), Tins of tomatoes
Christmas Cards:
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, we are not able this year to sell the usual Christmas cards from Aid to the Church in Need and Traidcraft in the Narthex. I know that many people also leave Christmas cards in the pigeonholes at the back of the church. This is a very lovely custom. However, I am really sorry but it will not be possible this year because we have to comply with the Governments very strict safety regulations. We must do all we can to keep everybody safe in St Teresa’s Church. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
St. Teresa's Christmas Challenge:
All parishioners are invited to take part in this exciting community challenge, safely raising funds for both the parish and Cafod AND having fun along the way! If you click the following link you find all the information you need including how you can join in - and how to share your ideas and photos with the parish via St. Teresa's website and/or face-book page.
St Teresa’s SVP Christmas Appeal:
This has been a difficult year for all of us. Our SVP group here at St Teresa’s has up until now continued to give help within the Parish and has managed to continue to financially support our Twin Conferences and projects in India. However now we find that we have insufficient funds to continue our good and necessary work. I know how overwhelming your support has been in the past and so I am asking you if you might consider making a donation so that we can once again build up our reserves. Donations can be made as follows:
1) Directly into the SVP account: NatWest,
Sort Code 60-60-04,
Account Number 46079769
Christmas Appeal.
2) By cheque made payable to:
SVP Saint Teresa Princes Risborough.
3) Or a cash donation in an envelope marked SVP.
Please place the cheque or cash donations directly through the Presbytery letterbox. Thank you so much for your continued and generous support of our SVP Conference, our twin Conferences in India and Saunderton Lodge. Phil Hughes
St Teresa's is on Facebook!
If you would like to join our Facebook group e mail
or visit
Welcome Back to Mass!
Please: Do wear Masks – Do not come if symptomatic or self-isolating
Reminder – for each booking we need:
Names, which Mass, number of Seats, Phone number
Please note **new timing** on Sundays from now on
For 10am Mass on Wednesday 16th December
Booking Opens: 9am Saturday 12th December
Booking Closes: 9am Tuesday 15th December
Confirmation: on Tuesday 15th December by 6pm
Text: 07761 301435 (or answerphone)
For 6.30pm Mass on Sat 19th or 8am or 9.30am on Sun 20th December
Booking Opens: 9am Monday 14th December
Booking Closes: 6pm Thursday 17th December
Confirmation: on Friday 18th December by 6pm
Text: 07761 301374 (or answerphone)
Please book immediately - places are going fast!
Christmas Eve: 3pm or 4.30pm (almost full) or 8pm (almost full) or Christmas Day: 8am or 9am
Booking now open
Confirmation: will come within 24 hours of booking
Text: 07761 125747 (or answerphone)
Booking details for saturday 26th and Sunday 27th December will be in next week's newsletter.
How can I give my weekly offering?
It will be more practical to set up a standing order
Here are the Bank details:
Bank: NatWest
Sort Code: 600611
Account Number: 46714634
Account Name: RCDN St Teresa’s Catholic Church
Payment Ref: St Teresa’s Church, Princes Risborough