St Teresa of the Child Jesus
Catholic Church
Princes Risborough

On February 19th at 7 pm in St Teresa’s Church, the first of a series of activities planned for the whole of the Jubilee Year will take place. Cannon Derek Turnham, parish priest of St Anne’s Wendover, will give a talk entitled ‘Origins and Reflections’, which will gently explore some of the history behind ‘Jubilee’ followed by prayerful consideration of the Jubilee Icon. We are hoping as many parishioners as possible from St Teresa’s and St Anne’s, as well as others in our area, will join us. Refreshments will follow the event. Please fill in your name on the Sign-up Sheet in the narthex if you'd like to hear more about how we can grow in our faith and serve the wider community this Jubilee Year!
Saturday February 22nd in the Walsingham Hall, following the 6.30pm mass. Secure your tickets! On sale in the narthex after this weekend's masses.
Authentic Indian Kerala recipe prepared under the supervision of our expert, Kavitha. Bring your own bottle - soft drinks and glasses provided.
Adults: £12. Children (under 12): £6
All proceeds go to the fitting-out of our newCommunity Centre.
Our Bereavement Support Group will meet again Sunday 23rd Feb, between 3pm and 4.30pm in the Club Room for tea and a friendly chat. Please let us know if you need a lift by calling Jean O'Brien on 07588 401608
We are still in need of help with music at the 6:30 Saturday masses. We are looking for musicians and strong singers to help lead the congregation. This may be occasional or more regular, but helps when others are unable to attend. Help required particularly over March and as we enter the Summer
months. Please contact Paula McAleavey on 07867
900693 or p.mcaleavey@btopenworld.com
If you are aware of anyone who is sick or housebound, please let Father Lijo know so that a visit can be arranged and for them to receive Holy Communion, if requested.
Please e-mail (parish.stteresapr@northamptondiocese.org) or leave a message at the Presbytery.
From the Diocese:
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from across our Diocese and receive updates straight into your inbox. Simply visit:
Racial Justice Sunday 15th/16th Feb 2025 The theme for Racial Justice Sunday is: “Pilgrims of Hope: Our Journey Together Towards Racial Justice”. “This year, the Catholic community is invited to reflect on the journey towards racial justice- past, present and future – by asking: ‘How far have we come, where are we now and what remains to be achieved?’ It is hoped that our Racial Justice Sunday 2025 collections will not only assist, but inspire the People of God to continue walking and praying together on the path to
racial justice.”
Bishop David and Canon John Udris will lead our pilgrimage to France in October 2025. Staying in Paray Le Monial, seeking spiritual renewal at the sacred Basilica of the Sacred Heart, where Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque once received her divine visions. We will also visit Nevers, where Saint Bernadette spent the last years of her life and her body rests today. For more information go to:-
This year our diocesan pilgrimage to Walsingham takes place on Saturday 14 June. The pilgrimage will begin with Mass at the Basilica in the Catholic Shrine at midday followed by lunch and at 3pm pilgrims process from the Shrine, on the holy mile to the Abbey Grounds for the final service. Parish groups are welcome to attend and encouraged to bring parish banners with them for the procession. All are welcome.
– Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to
each other because it only makes it worse? Retrouvaille has helped 10s of 1000s of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential information about the next program which will be presented on Zoom From 27th Feb to 2nd March 2025 Call or text: 07887296983
Donation Giving Methods
St. Teresa’s now has a website for online donations. Please Click on the 'Donate' button at the top of this screen.
You can now also make donations at church using a card payment terminal in the narthex.
St Teresa's is on Facebook!
If you would like to join our Facebook group e mail StTeresasParish@groups.facebook.com
or visit