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The SVP Society within St Teresa’s Parish currently consists of 11 members, with Fr Joseph as our spiritual Director. We get together alternate Tuesday evenings in loving fellowship as a group, who share faith and our love of the Church.


The Society of St Vincent de Paul is an international christian voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing direct practical assistance to anyone in need.


The Society was founded in Paris in 1833 by Frederic Ozanam and his companions. Placed under the patronage of St Vincent de Paul, it is inspired by his thinking and his works. It seeks, in a spirit of justice and charity, to help those who are in need of support. It does this by a person-to-person involvement of its members.


The local St. Teresa's conference has been in existence since 1985, and performs the majority of its work through visiting the sick and elderly of the parish - through visits just for chats, or helping with shopping trips, journeys to hosptial, and lifts to Mass. Occassionally, a needy person passes through the village in need of food and funds for their onward journey, which we have also helped with.

St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, Roman Catholic Church,

New Road, Princes Risborough, Bucks, HP27 0JN

Buckinghamshire, UK

Parish Priest: Father Lijo Jose

Telephone Number : 01844 345 578


E-mail Address :

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