St Teresa of the Child Jesus
Catholic Church
Princes Risborough

Anyone who has not already been baptized can receive the sacrament of Baptism in the Catholic Church. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “Every person not yet baptised and only such a person is able to be baptised,” (paragraph 1246). Baptism leaves an indelible (permanent) mark on the soul and there is no way nor any reason that one could be re-baptised. There are no age restrictions for baptism; you cannot be too old or too young to be baptised.
If you have a baby for baptim you will be required to:
attend the baptism preparation meeting. This meeting is meant to prepare the parents for the Baptismal Liturgy and to discuss the importance of bringing up children in the Catholic faith.
The Rite of Welcome and the Baptsim Ceromony are conducted during the community Mass at 10am on Sundays. It is an opportunity for the parish community to welcome the newly baptised and know their families.
To arrange a baptism contact the Presbytery.

First Reconciliation & Holy Communion
Please note that if you live outside our parish you will need to get the permission of your parish Priest before you begin the preparation programme.
For details contact the Presbytery or Sue Bolton.
Our confirmation programme is run biennially commencing in October and Confirmation is celebrated in March.
For more information contact the Presbytery.
Weddings are by appointment. Please contact the Presbytery.
We require six months notice. All couples who wish to get married at St Teresa's are expected to attend a marriage preparation course run by Marriage Care. Marriage Care can be contacted on 0800 389 3801.
In the event of the death of a loved one, please let Father Lijo know, as the name of the deceased can be included in the bidding prayers at weekend Masses. Once a Funeral Director has been appointed Father Joseph will see the family of the deceased to organise and plan the funeral service upon communication from the familiy.