St Teresa of the Child Jesus
Catholic Church
Princes Risborough

For a number of years the Christian Churches in the Risborough area, associated with the Buckinghamshire Churches Together, have worked together to give a more united and co-ordinated Christian witness in this part of the world.
The council members include the clergy from each of the churches and a lay representative. There is a full council meeting every three months, and the clergy also have a fraternal gathering (and lunch) separately.
CTR organise the following ecumenical events in the town each year:
The Good Friday Procession of Witness
A sunrise service at Whiteleaf Cross on Easter Day morning
An Advent Service in one of the churches
The Lenten interfaith discussion groups
The distribution of the Lent pamphlets detailing the church services in the town.
They also play a big part in the activities of the Lighthouse Christian Holiday Week for children in July. (Lighthouse)
The Council sends representatives to the Buckinghamshire Churches Together Assembly each year and also has a representative on the Town Council. St Teresa’s is also represented at major occasions e.g. the induction of new ministers in other churches and special celebrations.
The churches in Churches Together in Risborough are:
St Teresa's Roman Catholic Church
Elim Church
The Baptist Church
The Methodist Church
St Dunstan’s (Anglican)
For more information visit Churches Together in Risborough's website. www.risboroughchurches.org.uk