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Liturgy Group

To find out more about St Teresa's Liturgy Group

Altar Servers

The Group exists to encourage, motivate, train and support the young people of the parish in serving at the Altar. 


Serving at the Altar is a real demonstration of commitment to God and the Church. Boys and girls of all ages are very welcome to become Altar Servers, once they have received their First Holy Communion. We are always looking for more Servers to ensure as many Masses as possible are covered.


Don’t hesitate to approach Nick Jepson after any 9.30 am Sunday Mass if anyone in your family would like to consider Altar Serving. Please encourage all of our young people to really get involved in the Mass and to serve God and the Parish by joining our wonderful team of Altar Servers.


Now would be a great time to start!


Children's Liturgy

The children’s liturgy is currently offered every Sunday at 9.30am Mass.


The Children’s Liturgy of The Word is a specially adapted celebration of the Sunday’s Gospel. We begin by discussing the main theme of the day’s reading; the children then listen to a simplified version of the Gospel and this is followed by an activity designed to reinforce the theme. The aim is to help children understand the Gospel and relate it to their own lives.

This is an important part of our parish life. It’s about helping the children, even quite small ones, feel that our Church is their Church. We learn our best lessons for life when we are small – the pre-school years have a huge influence on us. A great modern theologian in our Church, Cardinal Walter Kasper, wrote that he had learned most of his theology by the time he was 5, at his mother’s knee! If we acquire in our early years the profound truth that God loves us and that we matter to Him so much that He sent His Son, to show us how much, then we shall have acquired much of the essential of our faith. Everything comes from God and everything can point us to God.


Phew! When we see it in print like that it is quite something. Not to be missed! The parish is, or can be, our second home and that’s why it is so important from an early age to feel at home. The Children’s Liturgy is one way of helping the little ones feel that they have a place … it is their Church.


We currently have a team of DBS checked volunteers who take it in turns to lead the group, but we are always looking for more, if you feel that you could help we would love to hear from you. The “only” qualification needed is to love the children and to want to help them on their way. Of course tips and know-hows will be available. If you feel that you could do this, and would like to, could you have a word with Celia Sparkes


Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers are commissioned to assist the priest with the distribution of Communion during Mass when it is given in both kinds, and at Father’s request to take communion to sick or infirm parishioners in their homes or in hospital.


If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please have a chat with Sue or John Bolton.


Meeters & Greeters

The Meeters/Greeters fulfil another important ministry in our parish. Who does not feel better on being greeted in a friendly way? What a privilege it is to try to reflect something of the delight that God has when he looks at us.


The Meeters/Greeters are a lovely lot… they realise that not everyone wishes to indulge in cheerful chatter and not everyone wishes to respond exuberantly to a big hello… they have a sensitive ministry to be exercised with discretion and kindliness. Apart from the friendly greeting, the sidespeople are asked to ensure that people can find a seat if possible when the church is full. They take the collections and see that the main body of the church is left tidy after each mass. Occasionally they have to respond if anyone is feeling unwell, or a drink of water is needed. They give service to us all and anyone can perform this really important ministry.


If you are interested in becoming a meeter/greeter, just have a word with Sue or John Bolton who organise the rota.


When a believer reads in church we hear his or her voice and we also hear the voice of God who is present in what is read and in the faith of the reader. To read like Jesus is to love the word of God and to honour it and to want to make it our own.


That said, any member of our parish is welcome to join the Rota of Readers (compiled by Sue & John Bolton). It is important to be heard! A few simple rules, if followed, can mean that anyone can read. Our P.A. system is excellent and anyone can be taught to use it.


Cleaning the Lord's House

Hands up anyone who really likes doing housework! I hate it – but when it comes to cleaning the Lord’s house, it somehow seems different. After all, when a place is used every day it gets messy and dusty, and so it needs cleaning. There are some wonderful people who take it in turns to clean the Church each week (in pairs). Then during the week before Christmas and before Easter there is the BIG clean, when as many people as possible turn up to spring clean the Church – not forgetting taking the wax off the carpet! I love candles but ………. We only clean the ground floor as the gallery and Narthex are cleaned by contract cleaners.


We are always looking for new people to help do this, as we can never have too many cleaners, female or male!  If you feel you would like to join us please leave your name at the Presbytery.


Choir - 9.30 AM

The main aim of St Teresa’s Choir is to quietly enhance the liturgy through sensitive use of music. We meet on Thursday’s in the church, from 7.30 to 9.00 pm in preparation mainly for the  9.30 am Sunday Mass. From the end of September to Christmas, our numbers are supplemented by those who cannot commit their time throughout the year – the “Christmas Choir” meets at 8.00 pm in the church on Thursday’s from the last week in September. We have a special role in the Advent Service, together with an evening of singing “in the community”.


You don’t have to read music to join St Teresa’s choir, or the Christmas Choir. You just need to enjoy singing in Church. If you are interested or even hesitant please contact Paula McAleavey.


Saturday Evening Music Group

This group consists of both musicians and singers, who enjoy singing and playing music to enhance worship at Saturday evening Mass.


Every 4 weeks we gather together after mass to enjoy a shared supper and each others company. After supper we look at the Liturgy for the following weeks and choose music which will complement the readings.

We are always happy to welcome new members, both singers and instrumentalists of any age and ability. Please think about joining us, you will find it rewarding and you will be doing the parish a great service.

Flower Arranging

A Group of parishioners has the privilege of arranging flowers for the decoration of the church, with the exception of Advent and Lent.


Normally, two members supply and arrange the flowers for each week (on average 3 to 4 times a year) and larger groups are needed for the major feasts of Christmas and Easter.


There is an on-going demand for flower arrangers, but even those diffident to arrange flowers are also needed to give assistance.

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